基于 Tikhonov 和 TV 混合正则化的接地 网电阻抗成像算法研究

TM12 TH701


辽宁省教育厅科学技术研究创新团队项目(LT2019007)、辽宁省科技厅面上项目(2021-MS- 338)、辽宁工程技术大学学科创新团队项目(LNTU20TD-02,29)资助

Research on grounding grid electrical impedance tomography algorithm based on Tikhonov and TV hybrid regularization
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    电阻抗成像技术(EIT)是解决接地网腐蚀定位问题的方法之一,为了改善接地网 EIT 逆问题的病态性,提高求解稳定 性以及重建图像清晰度,提出了经典吉洪诺夫正则化(Tikhonov)和全变差正则化(TV)相结合的混合正则化(Tikhonov-TV)接地 网成像算法。 首先,在循环测量原理的基础上,创新地借助 COMSOL 与 MATLAB 联合仿真求取接地网 EIT 正问题模型电压数 据;其次,在理论分析基础上,通过 Tikhonov-TV 正则化的 EIT 算法分别求解基于先验拓扑信息和未知拓扑信息的两种接地网逆 问题模型的场域电阻率分布;最后仿真和实验对比了 Tikhonov、TV 以及 Tikhonov-TV 3 种正则化算法的接地网 EIT 重建图像,并 采用电阻率均方误差(Resistivity MSE)和截线电阻率曲线图来衡量图像质量,实验得出基于先验拓扑信息的 1 处和 2 处腐蚀情 况下 Resistivity MSE 分别达到 1. 27×10 -15 和 1. 59×10 -15 ,电阻率均方误差最小。 结果表明,提出的 Tikhonov-TV 正则化算法有效 地改善了 EIT 逆问题的病态性,收敛性能最优,重建图像效果优于 Tikhonov 和 TV 正则化算法。


    Electrical impedance tomography technology ( EIT) is one of the methods to solve the corrosion localization problem of grounding grid. In order to improve the ill-posedness of EIT inverse problem of grounding grid, improve the stability of the solution and the clarity of the reconstructed image, a hybrid regularization ( Tikhonov-TV) grounding grid imaging algorithm combining classical Tikhonov regularization and total variation regularization (TV) is proposed. Firstly, on the basis of cyclic measurement principle, this paper innovatively uses COMSOL and MATLAB co-simulation to obtain the voltage data of grounding grid EIT forward problem model. Secondly, on the basis of theoretical analysis, the field resistivity distributions of the two grounding grid inverse problem models based on prior topological information and unknown topological information are solved respectively with Tikhonov-TV regularization EIT algorithm. Finally, the EIT reconstruction images of grounding grid for Tikhonov, TV and Tikhonov-TV three regularization algorithms were compared with simulation and experiment, and the resistivity mean square error (resistivity MSE) and transversal resistivity curve were adopted to measure the image quality, the experiment results show that the resistivity MSE in corrosion condition at locations 1 and 2 places based on prior topological information reaches 1. 27×10 -15 and 1. 59×10 -15 respectively, and the resistivity mean square error is the minimum. The results show that the Tikhonov-TV regularization algorithm proposed can effectively improve the ill-posedness of EIT inverse problem, and achieve the best convergence performance. The reconstructed images are better than those of Tikhonov and TV regularization algorithms.


闫孝姮,吕秋皓,林晓雪,陈伟华.基于 Tikhonov 和 TV 混合正则化的接地 网电阻抗成像算法研究[J].仪器仪表学报,2021,(11):160-171

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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-06-28