• Volume 31,Issue 4,2017 Table of Contents
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    • Review of surface roughness online measurement techniques of steel strip

      2017, 31(4):493-500. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.001

      Abstract (2844) HTML (0) PDF 1.60 M (18778) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Surface roughness of coldrolled steel strip is an important surface quality parameter, so the online measurement of surface roughness has become the key technology for high quality car plate and strip production. The traditional measurement of strip surface roughness uses offline test method, which will do harm to the steel surface and slow down the response speed. To solve the problem, novel methods based on optical mechanism, such as light cutting method, optical interferometry, speckle method and scattering method, are proposed for the online realtime measurement. In recent years, the strip surface roughness online measurement has made considerable progress in theory, model building, experiment and analysis of calibrations, but the contradiction between the roll of temper rolling operation control (such as roller shape, running speed) and the precision of online detection is still a difficult task for real time measurement and control. In view of the actual demand of surface roughness online measurement, the research results in theory are analyzed and the characteristics and adaptability of the corresponding measurement equipment are compared in this paper. And we put forward the feasible schemes to effectively solve the problem of realtime measurement and give an outlook of the theory of strip surface roughness online measurement and its engineering practice development trend.

    • Optimization scheduling strategy research on synergistic utilization of electric vehicle batteries and wind power

      2017, 31(4):501-509. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.002

      Abstract (3102) HTML (0) PDF 3.35 M (18494) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at the problem of how to collaborate between electric vehicle batteries and wind power to achieve the peak load shifting of load curve, the optimization scheduling strategy of synergistic dispatch between electric vehicle batteries and wind power is mainly investigated in this paper. Firstly, the synergistic dispatch model including electric vehicles, wind power and power load demand is established, and three constraint conditions of the available time, the residual capacity of battery and the chargedischarge power are proposed by considering the characteristics of transportation and power battery of electric vehicles. This optimization model is then solved by the improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. Finally, the simulation experiments analyze the factors affecting the synergistic optimization model by considering three kinds of wind power outputs including normal and peakregulation and different wind power penetration and the number of electric cars to participate in power grid interaction, and the effectiveness of the synergistic optimization model to achieve of the peak load shifting is also confirmed.

    • Calculation, measurement and analysis for dynamic characteristics of a vehicle exhaust system

      2017, 31(4):510-515. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.003

      Abstract (2279) HTML (0) PDF 1.58 M (18536) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to analyze the dynamic characteristics of the vehicle exhaust system, it is studied by calculating modal analysis and experiment modal analysis technique, respectively. The first six order modal parameters of the exhaust system are obtained. By comparison, it is found that the error of the first sixorder natural frequency calculation and the experimental result is less than 6.5%, modal shapes are basically consistent. Then the dynamic characteristic of the exhaust system is evaluated according to the result of calculation and experiment. It is found that the vehicle exhaust system will not occur resonance under the excitation of resonance in idle speed and economic speed, and the weak link of the system is analyzed. The research methods and results have guiding significance for the dynamic characteristic design of vehicle exhaust system.

    • Inclination measurement of transmission line tower based on terrestrial 3D lidar

      2017, 31(4):516-521. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.004

      Abstract (2958) HTML (0) PDF 6.01 M (18728) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Tower inclination is one of the important parameters to be considered when designing and maintain the transmission line. It has great value to realize accurate measurement and digital description of tower inclination with portably and high efficiency. Considering the deficiency of existing measurement methods and the feature of terrestrial 3D lidar, a new method to measure the tower inclination based on terrestrial 3D lidar is proposed in the paper, and a testing system is established. The field feasibility test and comparison test are carried out based on the developed test system. The test results show that accurate measurement of tower inclination can be realized with less field labor, and its measuring accuracy is as good as total station’s which can meet the needs of the engineering survey. The measurement result can be presented with visualization and digitization by 3D modeling of target object based on terrestrial 3D lidar. This method makes it easy to keep in the archives, to retrospect and to check. What’s more, the developed test system can be used when doing the actual engineering survey.

    • Facial expression recognition based on local gradient DT-CWT dominant direction pattern

      2017, 31(4):522-529. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.005

      Abstract (3033) HTML (0) PDF 2.36 M (18291) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A novel facial expression recognition is proposed in the paper, in which the local gradient dualtree complex wavelet transform dominant direction pattern is used. Firstly, four layers DTCWT are used on normalized expression image. For each layer, we can obtain the feature images of eight directions, which include 6 highfrequency directions and 2 lowfrequency directions. A new DDP (IDDP) is constructed, and which is used to code for each DTCWT feature image. Secondly, the IDDP feature images of each layer in different directions are fused based on rules of gradient direction, and every fused image is divided into several nonoverlapping and equalsized blocks. The corresponding histogram of the fused feature in each block is calculated respectively, and the final feature of facial expression image is obtained by cascading all of them. Finally, the nearest neighbor method based on Chi Square statistic weighted by Fisher is used to classify and identify. A large number of experiments show that the proposed method has a certain advantage on the recognition rate and recognition time.

    • Analog circuit fault diagnosis based on LMD multi scale entropy and extreme learning machine

      2017, 31(4):530-536. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.006

      Abstract (2183) HTML (0) PDF 1.60 M (18352) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to efficiently test and high speed diagnose analog circuits, a new analog circuit fault diagnosis method based on LMD multiscale entropy and extreme learning machine is proposed in this paper. First, the fault signal is decomposed into several production functions by LMD. Then, the multiscale entropy of each PF component is worked out and fault feature vectors are constructed. Finally, the fault feature vectors are feed into the extreme learning machine to train and test. The simulation results show that the diagnosis time only needs 0.028 74 s, and the accuracy of fault diagnosis can achieve 98.89%. Compared with other three ways, the method can effectively reduce the diagnosis time and improve the accuracy of fault diagnosis.

    • Image saltandpepper noise detection and removal based on fuzzy switching

      2017, 31(4):537-542. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.007

      Abstract (2561) HTML (0) PDF 6.01 M (18658) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to remove saltandpepper noise, a novel fuzzy switching adaptive weighted mean filter is proposed to eliminate the noise effectively. The method includes two stages: noise detection and noise elimination. In the first stage, first pixels are differentiated into two kinds: noiseless pixels and possible noise pixels. For the second kind pixels, we use the method of the sum of absolute luminance difference with processed pixels next to it and introduce two thresholds to divide them into three categories, noiseless pixels, lightly corrupted pixels and heavily corrupted pixels. In the second stage, a D8 distance relevant fuzzy switching adaptive weighted mean filter is proposed to remove saltandpepper noise. The simulation results show that compared with some existing methods, our method can effectively eliminate saltandpepper noise, the results contain more details, and have higher values of two typical image quality metrics: peak signaltonoise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity (SSIM). Our method saves over 65% processing time compared with the adaptive weighted mean filter, which has the most similar results.

    • Study on monitoring technology of straw burning based on UAV aerial image dehazing enhancement algorithm

      2017, 31(4):543-548. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.008

      Abstract (2706) HTML (0) PDF 10.06 M (19767) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The straw burning will cause serious atmospheric pollution. Aerial detection can achieve realtime monitoring of straw incineration conveniently. But the aerial monitoring image of straw burning point can be affected by suspended particles, which will cause the quality of the image degradation seriously. To solve this problem, a new image enhancement algorithm is proposed in this paper. Based on the traditional dark channel prior algorithm, the histogram of the image is statistically analyzed. The adaptive coefficients are used to modify the image enhancement algorithm. And the contrast enhancement is used to improve the quality of aerial image ultimately. The experimental results show that the algorithm has better image quality enhancement effect and higher practical value both in the fog environment daytime and low brightness environment nighttime.

    • Empty bottle texture area defect detection based on POBT

      2017, 31(4):549-558. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.009

      Abstract (3124) HTML (0) PDF 3.42 M (18181) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To solve the problem that the existing glass bottle detection algorithm only aimed at the smooth surface with no pattern, a glass bottle texture area detection algorithm based on the POBT (phase only based transition) is proposed in the paper. The method first calculates the glass bottle center axis according to the bottle body gray projection, then obtains defect image by removing all the patterns through POBT, which including the process of nomalization in frequency domain to eliminate low frequency component of the glass texture area. At last, it extracts defects by using adaptive probability refined thresholding segmentation on the POBT image and compares the segmentation method with three conventional methods. The experiment result shows that aimed to the glass bottle glass texture area, the method can achieve highprecision detection with rapid speed of the glass bottle texture area.

    • Adaptive registration algorithm of blurred image based on KAZE

      2017, 31(4):559-565. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.010

      Abstract (3178) HTML (0) PDF 8.99 M (18253) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to improve the blurred image registration properties of image registration algorithm, an adaptive blurred image registration algorithm fused nonlinear scale space and space cosine similarity is proposed. The algorithm adopts the nonlinear scale space theory to extract the local feature of the image, and the feature points of the image are extracted by the KAZE algorithm to form the MSURF feature descriptor. Using the space cosine to match the feature points, and match the adaptive threshold according to the different characteristics of the image to seek the optimal transformation relations of reasonable quantity of matching points. Finally, the RANSAC algorithm is used for excluding mistake matching points to improve the accuracy. The experimental results show that the algorithm can effectively improve the matching accuracy and precision of the fuzzy image registration, the matching accuracy and precision can be improved up to 25% and 7.909 pixels, and has better registration performance.

    • Facial expression recognition of WGC feature description

      2017, 31(4):566-572. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.011

      Abstract (3285) HTML (0) PDF 1.66 M (18099) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The traditional Weber local descriptor (WLD) algorithm has limitation in analyzing the center and neighboring pixels of the gray relationship. To identify facial expression accurately, a facial expression method based on Weber Gradient Coding(WGC) is proposed in this paper. First, the Weber Gradient encoding to the horizontal, vertical and diagonal gradient is respectively calculated to produce the differential excitation. Then, an optimized WGC operator based on horizontal and diagonal prior principle (WGC_HD) is proposed. Finally, the SVM classifier is used to implement the facial expression recognition based on row block WGC_HD feature. The experiments on the proposed method are performed using JAFFE and CohnKanade (CK), the average recognition rate is 95.49%, 9763% and the average duration of the extraction is 12.30 ms and 31.54 ms, respectively. The row block WGC_HD characteristics considering the difference of pixels of different gradient direction well expressed in local structure information of facial images and has lower time complexity. The recognition results of proposed method are better than those of the typical facial expression recognition method.

    • Gait recognition method based on integrated gabor feature

      2017, 31(4):573-579. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.012

      Abstract (2715) HTML (0) PDF 1.43 M (18057) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Gait recognition for individual identification has received more and more attention from biometrics researchers. Gait Energy Image is an efficient represent method. Gabor wavelet was used to get magnitude feature of active region of gait energy image, but the images after the Gabor transform generate high dimension feature, which must be processed through effective feature fusion and selection. In order to overcome the shortcoming of high dimension feature of the traditional Gabor feature, a gait recognition method based on integrated Gabor feature is proposed in this paper. Firstly, by means of two integration methods are mean fusion and differential binary encoding, the active region Gabor feature images are integrated in a multiscale and multiangle way and 26 integrated Gabor feature images are obtained, and the 4 images from 26 integrated Gabor feature images are selected as the final feature vector. Finally, the feature vector is input KNN classifier to identify. Experimental results indicate that a gait recognition method based on integrated Gabor feature can separate and express gait features effectively, and reduce dimension and present expression data compactly, meanwhile the expressions are classified correctly.

    • Research on power quality disturbances classification based on discriminative dictionary learning with structured incoherence

      2017, 31(4):580-587. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.013

      Abstract (3415) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (18059) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to solve the redundancy of discriminative dictionary learning (DDL) in the sparse representation of the power quality disturbance identification, the dictionary learning with structured incoherence (DLSI) is proposed to make discriminant dictionary more concise. Firstly, the various types of power quality disturbances are trained to obtain subdictionaries, public dictionary, and discriminant dictionary. Then, the sparse representation of the reduced dimension test signal is solved by the method of discriminative dictionary optimization. Finally, using sparse representation reconstruction method to solve the test samples, and the type of power quality disturbance signals are determined by the minimum of the residual error. DLSI could directly drive the discriminative dictionary to can discriminate various types of power quality disturbances, and could obtain a more compact and discriminative sparse dictionary to improve the final recognition rates for identification of power quality disturbances. The experimental results demonstrate that the average recognition rate is higher than 96% for identifying eight types of power quality disturbances, while the classification accuracy decreases slightly with the ratio of signal to noise ratio (SNR) varying from 40, 30 to 20 dB. The simulation results show that DLSI can effectively identify different types of power quality disturbance signals and improve the accuracy of the identification results, in the meantime, DLSI algorithm shows better classification and recognition performance than DDL algorithm.

    • Micromotion features extraction of wind farm echoes based on singular value decomposition

      2017, 31(4):588-595. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.014

      Abstract (2725) HTML (0) PDF 1.82 M (18018) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As a special kind of large buildings, wind farm will affect the accurate detection of the aircraft target by the air traffic control radar. Simultaneously, wind farms are usually composed of many wind turbines distributed in a large area and possess the characteristics of multipath transmission, so they can cause the traffic control radar to misjudge the location and radial speed of the targets. The analysis of the micromotion features of wind farms echoes is of great significance for the identification and detection of the wind farms clutter accurately. Based on the model of wind farm echoes for air traffic control radar, the micromotion feature of wind farm echoes signal is analyzed by using the singular value decomposition technique, and then the micromotion feature of wind farm echoes signal is also extracted by constructing the corresponding characteristic variables. Simultaneously, the micromotion feature of the wind farm echoes is analyzed in the presence of the aircraft target and compared with that of the aircraft target echoes. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the method proposed in this paper.

    • Hardware in loop simulation of induction motor based on sliding mode control

      2017, 31(4):596-603. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.015

      Abstract (2627) HTML (0) PDF 3.86 M (17701) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sliding mode control is suitable for highorder nonlinear system, however, it is still a challenge to present the rapid and effective verification in application of such advanced control algorithms. For this reason, a fastverification hardwareintheloop simulation scheme is proposed in this paper for highpower highperformance speed control system. Firstly, sliding mode control algorithm is deduced for highperformance induction motor speed control. Based on the analysis of hardwareinloop simulation mechanism, a realtime simulation model for induction motor is designed and built. The hardwareinloop simulation is implemented using PI control and sliding mode control algorithm respectively, the superiority of sliding mode control strategy and the effectiveness of the realtime platform are verified.

    • Optimization design of excitation coil axial length of flow measurement sensor based on electromagnetic correlation method

      2017, 31(4):604-609. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.016

      Abstract (2947) HTML (0) PDF 2.04 M (17786) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The flow measurement sensor based on small diameter electromagnetic correlation method has a broad application prospect in the field of petroleum production logging, and the design of the axial length of the excitation coil is one of the key technologies to made the sensor. By analyzing the magnetic theoretic model of the sensor’s excitation coil in measuring area and electromagnetic flowmeter measurement principle, a new magnetic field analysis index is proposed, and numerical simulation with different velocity and different excitation coil axial length is carried out. The axial length of excitation coil is analyzed and determined by comparative analysis new magnetic field analysis index and traditional magnetic field evaluation indexes. The experimental platform is established to carry out preliminary experimental verification, which provides a solution for the optimization design of this kind of sensor excitation coil. At the same time, it speeds up the development process of flow measuring instruments based on electromagnetic correlation method.

    • Design of adaptive matching antenna for plasma sheath in high speed aircraft

      2017, 31(4):610-616. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.017

      Abstract (2814) HTML (0) PDF 2.59 M (18507) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to solve the mismatch and the high standing wave in antenna are influenced by the plasma sheath in the surface of high speed aircraft, an adaptive antenna matching design is proposed. The mismatch antenna with plasma sheath effect was realtime measured by the microstrip line directional coupler, the Pi type impedance matching network embedded in antenna was performed according to the impedance value of the mismatch antenna, eventual matching of antenna was achieved. The design was not used the inductive component in the Pi type matching network, but instead of a 1/4 wavelength transmission line with low loss varactor. The entire system was designed in S band frequency, the insertion loss of entire system was 0.63 dB by experimental measured. The experimental results show that the system can reconfigure the standing wave of the mismatch antenna from 10 to 1.5.

    • Fault sound sources position estimation based on L array method

      2017, 31(4):617-622. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.018

      Abstract (2700) HTML (0) PDF 989.45 K (2856) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The traditional method of fault diagnosis is mainly based on the analysis of the vibration, whichhas great limitations in some special circumstances, but the method based on the sound signal from the equipment in the process can solve the problem. A new method for fault diagnosis based on L type acoustic array is presented in this paper. The DOA estimation based on twodimensional MUSIC is used in radar, and the performance of the algorithm is studied.And with three kinds of different parameterson 2DDOA estimation, the computation is carried out.The comparison with the result of the rectangular arraysis carried out.The resultsshowthat the corresponding algorithm performance is changed while the different parameters have different values.And the method with suitable parameters could be better for the fault diagnosis of the gear drive system.

    • Development of antierosion platinum thin film resistance thermal sensor

      2017, 31(4):623-629. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.019

      Abstract (2688) HTML (0) PDF 3.32 M (17446) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Traditional Pt thin film resistance thermal sensor is easy to be damaged by erosion, which acts as the main limit to improve the efficiency of heat transfer measurement in shock tunnel. This paper is trying to find a method for developing the antierosion property of Pt thin film thermal gauge, with 0.06 μm chromium film as the backing film and 0.2 μm silica film as the protective film, samples of threelayer and two types of twolayer film sensor are made for test. The effect of chromium film and silica film for the resistancetemperature coefficient is analyzed, the numerical computations are taken to simulate the heat transfer process of singlelayer and threelayer film model of the thermal sensor. The results show that the silica film has little influence on the heat transfer measurement in shock tunnel. The experiments are specially carried out for comparison and validation, which indicates the reliability of the new sensor measurement result and the progress on durability and accuracy of measurement.

    • Harmonic and interharmonic detection method based on synchrosqueezing wavelet transform in power system

      2017, 31(4):630-635. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.020

      Abstract (2941) HTML (0) PDF 2.56 M (17359) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The extensive application of nonlinear power components makes the harmonic pollution situation of power system increasingly severe. To effectively suppress a variety of noise, and accurately detect harmonic and interharmonic parameters, a harmonic detection method based on the synchrosqueezing wavelet transform (SST) and Hilbert transform is proposed. Firstly, the signal in the power system is decomposed into a set of intrinsic mode type (IMT) function components through SST. Then, instantaneous frequency and instantaneous amplitude of each IMT component are calculated through Hilbert transform. At last, the least squares fitting of instantaneous amplitude and instantaneous frequency is calculated to realize the detection of harmonic and interharmonic from the noisy signal. The simulation results verify the feasibility and the effectiveness of the proposed method, which can effectively improve the detection accuracy of harmonic and interharmonic.

    • Digitalization and data management of Naxi Dongba manuscripts

      2017, 31(4):636-643. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.021

      Abstract (2374) HTML (0) PDF 3.21 M (17354) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:At present, most original classic manuscripts of Dongba script have been collected by wellknown institutions from more than ten countries. As academic researchersare decentralized, it is very inconvenient for them to communicate with each other. The construction of a sharing platform for ancient books of Dongba script is beneficial for emergency treatment and inheritance of classic culture. In allusion to digitalization and data storage of ancient book resources of Dongba script, a digitalization method is presented in this paper for printing books known as Annotated General Catalog of Ancient Books of Ethnic Minorities in China (Naxi Volume) based on the analysis of existing information extraction approaches and data storage modes. Moreover, metadata is also adopted to refer to the bibliography of ancient books of Dongba script, which are extracted from printing books. And ultimately, XML database is employed to manage the digitalized contents. According to the experimental results, the information extraction approach proposed in this paper is able to extract contents accurately direct at the elaborate structure of the bibliography for ancient books of Dongba script on one hand and provides structured retrieval means on the other hand. As a result, both feasibility and validity of such an approach areverified. This research has important reference meanings for the digitalization and semistructured data management of ancient books of ethnic minorities.

    • Application of gabor feature and dictionary learning algorithm in printed document identification

      2017, 31(4):644-650. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.022

      Abstract (2440) HTML (0) PDF 2.99 M (17156) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to improve the automatic identification performance of laser print documents, a new sparse representation algorithm based on Gabor features and fisher discrimination kernel dictionary learning was proposed for print documents identification. Proposed method first extracted the image Gabor features, and used kernel principal component analysis to reduce the Gabor features dimension. Based on the fisher discrimination criterion, a dictionary learning method whose dictionary atoms were initialized by the reduced Gabor features was performed. Sparse representation based classification was used to the identification of laser print documents. Experimental results on our database show its efficiency and effectiveness with a correct printer identification rate of 95.79%.

    • Knowledge acquisition of CNC machine tools based on ontology and web text

      2017, 31(4):651-656. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.04.023

      Abstract (3717) HTML (0) PDF 1.06 M (17555) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at Knowledge reuse and knowledge sharing and solving the problem of inefficiency of knowledge acquisition caused by the knowledge are not structured description,a method of knowledge acquisition based on ontology for CNC machine tools is proposed by studying the Web text in the field of machine tool knowledge and analyzing of text structure features.The original information of the Web text is obtained through the crawler program, and the sentences containing the hyponymy is extracted from the processed Web text information. The Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Lexical Analysis System (ICTCLAS) is used to carry on the Chinese word segmentation. The concepts can be acquired after segmenting Chinese texts and then the concept set and the concept tree can be generated. At last, the ontology is generated and stored as OWL.In the experiment, the knowledge is extracted from the Web pages which is selected randomly, and the comparison experiment is carried out to prove that the method can obtain the semistructured and structured Web text information in the field of CNC machine tools effectively.

Editor in chief:Prof. Peng Xiyuan

Edited and Published by:Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation

International standard number:ISSN 1000-7105

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-2488/TN

Domestic postal code:80-403

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