Research on non-uniform distribution characteristics of magnetic barkhausen noise in magnetocrystalline anisotropic material

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    The magnetic Barkhausen noise effect can reflect the statistical significance of the dynamic rotation and deformation of the magnetic domains during the alternating excitation of ferromagnetic materials, which can be used as a non-destructive detection technology for ferromagnetic materials' stress state, material deterioration and early micro-damage detection and evaluation. At present, the magnetic Barkhausen noise detection for magnetocrystalline isotropic materials has obtained a large number of laws and established engineering applicable methods, but most of the laws and methods often produce erroneous detection results when used for the detection of magnetocrystalline anisotropic materials or produce larger errors. In order to find out the reason for this inapplicability, a circumferential magnetic Barkhausen noise measurement system was built, taking X60 steel as an example to test the distribution of magnetic anisotropy, the distribution of magnetocrystalline anisotropy on the surface of the same bulk material is revealed from three aspects: the direction of the easy magnetization axis, the amplitude and shape of the circumferential magnetic anisotropy map, and the characterization of different characteristic parameters. The study found that the circumferential magnetic Barkhausen noise distribution at different positions on the magnetocrystalline anisotropic material is not uniform, so that the reference calibration curve generated based on the test block of the same material or the same batch of material is no longer available for the actual test piece inspection Validity, which is the key cause of detection biases and errors, and previous studies mostly believed that the magnetocrystalline anisotropy distribution on the same piece of material was consistent, or the influence of its distribution characteristics was ignored. The discovery of this phenomenon poses new problems and challenges for the magnetic Barkhausen noise detection of magnetocrystalline anisotropic materials.

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  • Online: March 06,2023
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